Block distractions online, free

Try ShieldBug

Frequently Asked

Q: What does ShieldBug do?
A: ShieldBug lets you block websites that leave you distracted, stressed or doomscrolling. It lets you be present, lower stress, and focus on what you actually want to focus on.
Q: How do I install ShieldBug?
A: Click the "Try ShieldBug" button above and install the extension from the Chrome Web Store. You need to be using the Google Chrome browser to use ShieldBug.
Q: Is ShieldBug free?
A: Yes, ShieldBug is a free-to-use Chrome extension, and contains no advertising
Q: Is there a mobile app?
A: Right now there is no mobile app. It is at the top of the roadmap and coming soon.
Q: Why does ShieldBug need "Read and change your data on all websites" permissions?
A: Since ShieldBug needs to be able to block any website, it cannot restrict its access to a pre-determined list of websites. Other than blocking sites, ShieldBug does not read or manipulate your data in any way.
Q: Does ShieldBug use my data or track my activity?
A: ShieldBug does not monitor your data or track your browsing behavior in any way. Your distraction blocking settings are stored only on your own device and are not shared with the authors of this extension or any third parties.


ShieldBug is a free extension for Google Chrome that can help you block distracting websites. It allows you to make your own custom block list, block keywords, or use a pre-made category list to block categories of sites that distract and demoralize you.

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ShieldBug is authored by me, Sam Ennis, a software engineer from Cambridge (the U.S. one). It helps me nix compulsive news checking, doomscrolling, clickbait, and other distractions that leave your average internet user lost and demoralized. I hope it helps you.

ShieldBug is a hobby project and will continue to receive updates over time.